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Interface Devices and Controllers


Systran Corporation

BIU-143V offers simultaneous or independent emulation of a bus controllerand up to 31 remote terminals. It is an economical solution forapplications not requiring error injection or bus monitor capability.The architecture provides 64 K words of dual-ported RAM, to ensureimmediate VME host access to the bus data. This means bus relatedemulation can be performed in realtime without intervention from thehost. A large user-programmable memory provides flexibility inconfiguring BIU-143V to meet the user's data handling needs. It featurescomprehensive interrupt control and extensive error injection. Whenemulating remote terminals, BIU-143V can configure each emulated remoteterminal independently. In addition to the BIU hardware module,support and application specific software programs are available for BIU-143V. A comprehensive library of routines provides quick start-up of theVME MIL-STD-1553 application.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Systran Corporation
4126 Linden Ave
Dayton, OH 45432
Phone: 9372525601
        (800) 252-5601
Fax: 9372582729